Interacting with the world is a multi-sensory experience: achieving effective general-purpose interaction requires making use of all available modalities -- including vision, touch, and audio -- to fill in gaps from partial observation. For example, when vision is occluded reaching into a bag, a robot should rely on its senses of touch and sound. However, state-of-the-art generalist robot policies are typically trained on large datasets to predict robot actions solely from visual and proprioceptive observations.
In this work, we propose FuSe, a novel approach that enables finetuning visuomotor generalist policies on heterogeneous sensor modalities for which large datasets are not readily available by leveraging natural language as a common cross-modal grounding. We combine a multimodal contrastive loss with a sensory-grounded language generation loss to encode high-level semantics. In the context of robot manipulation, we show that FuSe enables performing challenging tasks that require reasoning jointly over modalities such as vision, touch, and sound in a zero-shot setting, such as multimodal prompting, compositional cross-modal prompting, and descriptions of objects it interacts with. We show that the same recipe is applicable to widely different generalist policies, including both diffusion-based generalist policies and large vision-language-action (VLA) models. Extensive experiments in the real world show that FuSe is able to increase success rates by over 20% compared to all considered baselines.
FuSe Method.
Naïvely finetuning a pre-trained generalist policy with a mean-square-error (MSE) imitation loss conditioned on additional sensor data leads to the policy over-relying on its pretraining modalities and ignoring the new modalities. FuSe overcomes this limitation by introducing two additional losses that fully leverage multimodality and connect the semantic knowledge of pre-trained generalist policies with unseen sensor modalities:
FuSe Architecture.
We collect a dataset of 26,866 trajectories over three challenging tasks where the robot is teleoperated using a Meta Oculus Quest 2 VR headset. The tasks are:
Sensor setup.
The two grasping tasks (tabletop and shopping bag) feature visual, tactile, and action data, while the button pressing and compositional tasks also include sound. Visual observations are recorded at a resolution of 640x480, while tactile DIGIT images are at a resolution of 320x240. The audio observations comprise 1s of the most recent microphone samples, recorded at a frequency of 44,100Hz.
We compare FuSe to several baselines. Octo Vision FT refers to a pretrained Octo model finetuned on our dataset, using only vision modalities; Octo scratch refers to training an Octo transformer of the same size from scratch on our dataset, using all modalities; ResNet Scratch refers to training a smaller ResNet-based model on all modalities from scratch.
FuSe outperforms baselines over all environments, most significantly in the partially-observable shopping bag task.
We exploit the generative head to connect between different subtasks. First, we prompt the model to press a button not seen at training time, using only visual instructions (e.g., "press the blue button"); this button plays a sound heard during training. Then, we feed the resulting sound to the generative head, which will generate the instruction related to the corresponding audio (e.g., "press the button that plays piano"). Finally, we prompt the model with the audio instruction in the training environment, where the model has already associated the visual cues of the button to the corresponding sound, and will execute a trajectory that ends up pressing the button that plays the same sound as the button pressed in the first subtask.
The robot is prompted to press the (unseen) pink button, and then based on audio output generates the command "Push the green button", which it executes.
Although most of our experiments are with an Octo transformer, the FuSe method is widely applicable. We apply it to a PaliGemma-based 3B-parameter VLA in our test environments, pretrained on BridgeData V2 and finetuned on our multimodal dataset.
Our policy achieves robust performance on the grasping tasks, showcasing the suitability of FuSe to different generalist policies. @article{jones24-fuse,
title={Beyond Sight: Finetuning Generalist Robot Policies with Heterogeneous Sensors via Language Grounding},
author={Joshua Jones and Oier Mees and Carmelo Sferrazza and Kyle Stachowicz and Pieter Abbeel and Sergey Levine},